Friday, October 8, 2010

And it hurts

You know how when people get injured in sports it's usually because of some spectacular save or something along those lines? Well I sprained my wrist a few days ago and it's the lamest thing ever. It's technically because of volleyball, but really not. My arm/wrist is already crooked and it's been chronically inflaming for over a year now. Reason? Violin. Apparently, my arm conformed to the shape of my violin and twists unnaturally, so when the ball hit it, it completely turned the other way and now it's sprained. *Sigh* This is so sad. Plus, I have all-state orchestra auditions in less than a week and I've been averaging barely four hours of sleep everyday because of that. If I don't make it, I'm gonna be so pissed. It's like three thirty in the morning and I have a chem quiz tomorrow that I still haven't studied for.

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