Well anyways, my mom blocked Youtube on my computer and said that if I wanted to watch a video, we could watch it together. Yeah right. She blocked Youtube and Safari on my Ipod too. (TT^TT). At least I found an alternative web browser on my Ipod so I can still browse without her stupid filter. Ugh. She's so uptight. She was on my back about how I was so unproductive... during winter break. THAT'S THE REASON WINTER BREAK EXISTS!!! So we can slack off freely.
And, she uninstalled Maplestory. MAPLESTORY. That thing was my sole source of entertainment after she got rid of all of the sites that are FUN. GOSH I am so frustrated and bored. This hasn't even helped my productivity anyways. Now, when I'm bored, instead of going on Facebook, I mope around and stare at the ceiling. Sigh. I'm gonna go do that now...

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