1. Top Combine is coming to the US to prepare for their new album! Even though they're going to LA, nowhere near where I live, it's closer than halfway across the world. It would be so cool if I see them on vacation or something. And their new album could be out in two months, which is almost exactly a year after their last album. Ah~ I can't wait! *fangirl moment*
2. I've just started watching the new Meteor Shower and I'm kind of disappointed. For starters, it took forever for Yunhai to remember Yuxun, and if I didn't like the first Meteor Shower so much I would've already lost interest at that point. And now it's dragging on. Ugh, that's what I hate most about Asian dramas; they take forever. Speaking of dramas, I recently found out that China or Taiwan is doing a remake of Full House with Wu Zun. I haven't seen Wu Zun in a drama in ages. I don't know anything more than the fact that it's supposed to air this year. You know how Baidu's motto is "If you Baidu it, then you'll know"? Well they should really change it because I Baidu'd Wu Zun Full House in as many ways as possible and nothing came up :P
3. Finally, I hope Top Combine films a drama sometime! I bet Li Mao would be like Zhu Zixiao, 搞笑 ^^
Ok, piano time. You know how important that is to duh azns.