I've been through quite a few Asian dramas lately, trying to find some good, shorter mainland idol dramas because they definitely exist. There are tons of people in China, someone has to film a good, short drama. Anyways, I don't really finish most of the dramas I watch. They get too long so I usually quit about halfway through. So yeah, I have yet to finish the following:
Oh! My Lady
Haha this is a pretty hilarious drama. Choi Siwon's not too bad of an actor for a singer. But I think it could move a little bit faster, sometimes it just feels like it's dragging and dramas are long enough as it is. Out of all the actors, I have to say Siwon's "daughter", Ye Eun, is my favorite. She's so cute ^^
Black and White
I think the title fits the drama well. Two cops, different as black and white. They dress like it too. First time watching a Vic Zhou drama, and I think he's a really good actor. He plays an absolute playboy, and I thought this was just his typical role, like how Wu Chun usually plays the strong, silent type or whatever, but apparently this is different? I just saw it on the video comment and I guess Vic doesn't really do the playboy type. He totally got me though. This drama has a lot of new actors, like Mark Chao and Ivy Chen. Mark Chao's completely new, this is his first drama. Ivy Chen is new to dramas I think, because I saw her in Hear Me (which is one of the best non-action movies I have ever seen, but then again I haven't seen a lot of non-action movies.) And then they have Kingone, who plays a druggie. It was totally believable though. The drama can be confusing at times, especially since I'm watching without eng subs. Halfway through Black&White, let's see if I actually finish this one.
Let's Watch Meteor Shower!
Lol @ Zhu Zixiao. He's like my favorite actor ever.
The first and only mainland drama I have ever watched. Well I'm not sure. Does Huan Zhu Ge Ge count as a drama? The title really doesn't sound as stupid in Chinese. It's basically just Boys Over Flowers-Chinese version. China has remade a few Korean dramas, it's about time for vice versa to happen don't you think? And it is. 甜蜜蜜-Korean version was supposed to star Park Yong Ha, then he committed suicide a few days ago. Anyways, I'm pretty excited that they're making Meteor Shower 2, I just hope it's good. Sequels tend to get boring, and C-dramas are already kinda long. Duan Mulei's hair looks better in the second one, in my opinion. I just have something against a guy with hair as long as a girl's shortcut, with the exception of Xiao Wu. His ponytail was cute (teehee).
I heard they're remaking
Huan Zhu Ge Ge as well. It's 30 episodes, which sounds like a lot but is actually a ton shorter than the old ones. I wish they were using the same actors, but I guess look alikes will have to do. Loved Zhao Wei.
Image sources: Baidu Forums