Sorry I realize I haven't posted anything in ages. School sucks.
This is like gossiping to the internet but it's kind of a hilarious story, in a cynical way.
The other day I was walking back from P.E. and all of a sudden this Asian girl (I mean "Asian" Asian, like she actually lived in Asia for 10 years) came up to me and was like
You know, you should visit Taiwan sometime.
And I was like
O_o Ok..
Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against Taiwan, but this was so random. This next part is so confusing. I wasn't sure if I should have been irritated or glad that someone brought this kind of idiotic joy into my life.
Taiwan has so many more interesting places than China.
And I was like
T_T Are you for real
No actually I was more like
"^^ Heh.. Lemme take a quick poll. *grabs kid nearest to me* Hey, so which country do you think has more interesting places, Taiwan or China?
And then the Asian Asian girl tried to undo what she just said.
Oh but no offense though. It's just my personal opinion.
Yeah well if it's personal, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. Seriously, I don't mind if she's all like "Taiwan pride! Taiwan FTW! Taiwan's the best island in the world!" because it's her home. People are allowed to do that. What people shouldn't be allowed to do, however, is deem another country inferior to his/her own. Especially since it's China vs. Taiwan in terms of interesting places. I'm probably biased so let me offer you a third opinion on this.
Nearest kid to me: Uh.. well in in terms of geographical size, I would have to go to with China.
See? I don't know what comes to your mind when you think "places" but I think historical monuments, museums, malls, cafes, etc. Based on China's size alone, I would think that there are more "places" in China than in Taiwan. Notice that I, unlike that Asian Asian kid, am not saying that Taiwan is inferior to China because Taiwan is smaller, etc. It's a geographical and logical fact that Taiwan has less places than China due to its smaller size. There's nothing wrong with that.
Get this. She keeps going.
Oh I also heard that China's really dirty.
Woman. Get a grip. It's dirty in any country depending on where you go. They all have their classy places and their grungy ones. Fact of life. Also, it's not that you hear it. China is dirty. It's a huge country with 1.3 billion people for Christ's sake. You try keeping land that size spotless. So this is what I discussed with the poor kid I dragged into this.
But it's not over yet.
I heard people spit on the ground in China. *while covering mouth with hand and trying to make this seem all hush-hush. And she gasps at the end. I mean literally gasps.*
And this is what was playing in my head:
This is a joke right? You're from Taiwan. You can't possibly tell me that NO ONE spits on the ground in Taiwan. Also, don't try to characterize this as a Chinese thing. You know all people do it. Admit it. So you can either lie or prove yourself to be an idiot. And remember one last thing. YOU'RE NOT TAIWANESE. You're freakin Chinese whose ancestors got kicked out of China during the civil war. You said so yourself. "I'm actually Chinese." Don't identify yourself as mainland Chinese one second and turn around and bag on China the next. Please realize that Taiwan actually has native people. They can say that they're Taiwanese.
Of course I didn't really say this out loud. I just tried to pretend she didn't exist. It was hard. She had the nerve to hang around my locker to talk to me about the number of people in our class going to the college panel that night. Or something equally insignificant.
So yeah that was like the only interesting thing that happened this week. This is why I can't stand "Asian Asians." Most of them anyway. They have this crazy ego and some insane need to mock others. The one thing they don't teach in Asia: how to make casual conversation.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
I'm mad
Actually, I'm kind of scared. So this year, I decided to be motivated (and by motivated I mean stupid and sleep-deprived) and take accelerated chem when I knew I was going to take accelerated calc and physics. Kids, don't try this at home. It's dangerous. It's the first week of school, right, and we have a chem test less than a week from today. Last year, no one in the accelerated chem class passed the first test. He didn't throw it out or anything, he was just like, ok everybody you get the next 50 minutes to revise your test. Annnd.. GO. I'm guessing that was about enough time to get a B (or maybe if you're lucky an A). But I'm Asian. So that's not good enough.
However, he does give out plenty of extra credit. If you're willing to write a 2-3 page essay every week. On top of all the calc hw (which I've heard is, like, 10 hours a week for the smartest guy in the class) and other stuff. Yes, I'm one of those people who will probably end up staying up until some ungodly hour just to get that EC. Because I need that A.
In a nutshell, we read a chapter a week ('bout 40-ish pages), do 30 or so problems (which usually include parts a, b, c, d for each problem) then take a test or do a project. Oh, right, can't forget about the extra credit. As Rebecca Black would say, fun fun fun fun :)
No, I was being sarcastic.
And the best part is, I can't even drop this class if I wanted to. I know for sure I'm going to end up in a math/science field. I am soo not a humanities person. I can't write (well) or recall significant events in history to save my life. Basically anything I want to do in the future will most likely involve chemistry to some extent. I guess I just have to learn to live with it.
P.S. No, accelerated chem is not AP chem. All the classes at our school are already supposed to be AP. So I suppose accelerated chem is like AP AP chem? O.o
However, he does give out plenty of extra credit. If you're willing to write a 2-3 page essay every week. On top of all the calc hw (which I've heard is, like, 10 hours a week for the smartest guy in the class) and other stuff. Yes, I'm one of those people who will probably end up staying up until some ungodly hour just to get that EC. Because I need that A.
In a nutshell, we read a chapter a week ('bout 40-ish pages), do 30 or so problems (which usually include parts a, b, c, d for each problem) then take a test or do a project. Oh, right, can't forget about the extra credit. As Rebecca Black would say, fun fun fun fun :)
No, I was being sarcastic.
And the best part is, I can't even drop this class if I wanted to. I know for sure I'm going to end up in a math/science field. I am soo not a humanities person. I can't write (well) or recall significant events in history to save my life. Basically anything I want to do in the future will most likely involve chemistry to some extent. I guess I just have to learn to live with it.
P.S. No, accelerated chem is not AP chem. All the classes at our school are already supposed to be AP. So I suppose accelerated chem is like AP AP chem? O.o
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The Last of the Mohicans
I can't stand this book. If it wasn't for the fact that we have a test on it the second day of school I wouldn't spend my last week of summer freedom reading this. First of all, why would you give a guy two names? And never obviously point out that they're the same guy? I mean, I can kind of see that when he's called Major Heyward he seems more military-like and when he's called Duncan he's more normal or whatever, but why complicate things? Just call him Major Duncan. Then you get both connotations. And drop the "major" when you want him to seem less harsh. Also, it annoys the crap out of me that characters just pop out of nowhere. So this group of men are canoeing down a river for a chapter, then all of a sudden the colonel appears in the boat the chapter after. There was absolutely no mention of the colonel anywhere in the previous chapter. And then the word "colonel" just shows up on the page. I mean WTF. Entonces, his name virtually disappears from the chapter. Does that make any sense? Why mention him in the scene if he only says like one line, and of little significance??
Last thing, DESCRIPTIONS. It's like all novels before the 21st century are half story, half unnecessary, unrelated descriptions. For example, one scene in Last of the Mohicans includes a third of a page describing a guy who's dozing off, hears his friend making "shushing" sounds, mistakes it for the sound of a snake, wakes up, then realizes it isn't, and falls back asleep. Then following that passage, there's a small passage describing how his nostrils flare when he's sleeping or something.
I wish the author was still alive so I can ask him why he put in all this random stuff. It's like making a perfectly good BLT sandwich, then adding peanut butter and kimchi. It doesn't make sense and it probably isn't very enjoyable.
Last thing, DESCRIPTIONS. It's like all novels before the 21st century are half story, half unnecessary, unrelated descriptions. For example, one scene in Last of the Mohicans includes a third of a page describing a guy who's dozing off, hears his friend making "shushing" sounds, mistakes it for the sound of a snake, wakes up, then realizes it isn't, and falls back asleep. Then following that passage, there's a small passage describing how his nostrils flare when he's sleeping or something.
I wish the author was still alive so I can ask him why he put in all this random stuff. It's like making a perfectly good BLT sandwich, then adding peanut butter and kimchi. It doesn't make sense and it probably isn't very enjoyable.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Jerry berry
Look what I bought today! Jelly Bellies yumm. Although I'm not sure how great root beer and Dr. Pepper will taste.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
Saturday, August 6, 2011
And there wasn't much in the house. So I made lemon cookies covered in crushed cereal. Fresh out of the oven! Could've used a little more lemon rind. But they're still good. ^^
Btw isn't Super Junior's new song strange? "Mr. Simple". Yeah right SuJu is not simple. If they were they wouldn't be as amazing as they are today. And the whole "naughty naughty" thing was kind of random.
Btw isn't Super Junior's new song strange? "Mr. Simple". Yeah right SuJu is not simple. If they were they wouldn't be as amazing as they are today. And the whole "naughty naughty" thing was kind of random.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
Monday, August 1, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Man what the..?!
I've seen a lot of.. "elaborate" Asian guy outfits, but this has got to be the most "elaborate". Why is he dressed like a girl??? I can live with the skinny jeans and maybe even the jumpers, but this is just NO.

P.S. I'm sorry to whoever is in the photo. I hope you didn't choose this outfit yourself. If you did, I'm just sorry.
P.S. I'm sorry to whoever is in the photo. I hope you didn't choose this outfit yourself. If you did, I'm just sorry.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Douban! My latest discovery. It's this Chinese online radio thing that plays Cpop, Kpop, Jpop, Fpop (? French music, whatever it's called), American stuff, classical, etc. It pretty much has everything. And it has an iPod app, Mac app, and Android app. My life is complete. Not really. Ok.
So anyways, it's amazing. I found this song by Hou Xian that reminds me of Jay Chou. Yeah, he even mumbles. :) Or maybe that just what Chinese people sound like when they rap?
So anyways, it's amazing. I found this song by Hou Xian that reminds me of Jay Chou. Yeah, he even mumbles. :) Or maybe that just what Chinese people sound like when they rap?
Saturday, July 9, 2011
I've recently been addicted to 24. Just a quick plot summary-- Counter-Terrorist Unit investigator (or something like that. What do you call those people anyway?) Jack Bauer attacks/gets chased by terrorists. Each season has 24 episodes, each episode plays events that occurred in 1 hour in a day of Jack's life. Eg. ep. 1: 12:00 AM-1:00AM. I never thought a second-by-second account of a person's life would be so interesting to watch. But on the other hand, don't these people ever sleep? There are 8 seasons, so they haven't slept in over a week? Anyways, the show's good so I won't complain. Although there is one scene where you can see the cameraman hovering on the side.. haha.. Wish I caught a screenshot of that.
ALSO. I discovered a weibo that calls itself "Archive of Hot Guys' Photos" or something along those lines. There are a ton of photos of Lee Minho and Suju. If only the photos were labelled, then I could do some Asian idol stalking lol. No jk I have a life. Sort of.

ALSO. I discovered a weibo that calls itself "Archive of Hot Guys' Photos" or something along those lines. There are a ton of photos of Lee Minho and Suju. If only the photos were labelled, then I could do some Asian idol stalking lol. No jk I have a life. Sort of.
Look who I found! Isn't he the cutest? ^^
Who is he?? He looks like a doll
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
This gal is bored
I sound like a hick. But I'm serious. I'm at the vet med internship and everyone else is busy dissecting the pigs so I can't work on my ringworm. I'm kind of sad. That's an odd statement.
Oh! And 2PM's new MV came out! I don't particularly love the song but the MV is pretty exciting. Glad to see an MV without the typical various settings and choreography and that being it. You know what I'm talking about? Like a bright white bg with the guys in black and white suits, and then suddenly change to a dark blue setting and all the guys change costumes and then they just switch between the settings.
Oh! And 2PM's new MV came out! I don't particularly love the song but the MV is pretty exciting. Glad to see an MV without the typical various settings and choreography and that being it. You know what I'm talking about? Like a bright white bg with the guys in black and white suits, and then suddenly change to a dark blue setting and all the guys change costumes and then they just switch between the settings.
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